Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Allah is Al-Khaliq: Collage

In Kindergarten, we began discussing Allah and his attributes. I knew it would be difficult for them to understand what an "attribute" is, so we went around in a circle and I identified an attribute of each student (e.g., "One of Noor's attributes is that she is very friendly."). I then asked the students to use context clues to figure out what they think the word attribute means. They were easily able to determine that an attribute is a word that describes someone's traits.

We talked about how Allah (swt) has many attributes, and one is that he is Al-Khaliq: The Creator. Again, we went around in a circle, and each student stated his/her favorite color, as well as something Allah created that is that color (e.g., "My favorite color is purple. Allah created grapes, which are purple.").

Then, we sang a nasheed together called "Allah the Creator." This is available here on YouTube and you can find the lyrics here. They loved this nasheed since it's very catchy and were singing it the entire class period.

Finally, we created a collage. I gave them pages from National Geographic magazine. Any nature, animal, or food magazines work for this project. They cut out pictures of things Allah created (e.g., trees, spiders, birds, mountains, etc.). They then spread glue all over a piece of cardstock and stuck on the pictures to make a collage. I printed out captions that say "Allah is Al-Khaliq, the Creator. He made everything!". You can download the template for the captions here.

We put these up on our bulletin board, and I printed out these great Allah Created... bulletin borders from Islamic Bulletin Boards.

1 comment:

  1. Salam aleykum! These are great ideas, mA! Keep up the good work :)
